
Posts filed under: Winter Sports

At long last tickets are in ! That’s right, if you signed up for our Jr seasonal lease, we have your tickets and they are ready for pick up ! The Season Ticket vouchers for Ragged Mountain, BIG MOUNTAIN skiing...
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#FreeWinterGear2016 Zimmermanns is announcing a new contest, and the winner gets his/her gear for FREE ! The rules are simple. Purchase a new outfit, snowboard, skis, boots or some other great item at Zimmermanns. (Lease gear counts too) Take a...
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The areas best selection of winter clothing is at Zimmermanns, which makes handling the cooler mornings, is as easy as 1, 2, 3 ! Get in your car. Drive to Zimmermanns Skis, Boards & More at 314 DW Highway in Nashua....
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There’s a BLIZZARD on the horizon ! Just in today the new 2015 lease equipment has arrived ! An entire collection of Blizzard Jr skis and Tecnica boots are in stock and looking better than ever. Flat tail and twin...
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For the past two years, Zimmermanns has participated and grown what is arguably one of the most interesting spectacles at the Downtown Winter Stroll. In a short time we have taken it from a sideshow for curious onlookers to a...
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Depending on who’s numbers you like better, the snowboard industry is down in sales and participation to the tune of 30-50% in the past five years ! The big question is WHY ? The bigger question is WHY, when things...
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