No, the MORE in Zimmermanns Skis, Boards & More does not stand for Bathing suits. It wasn’t all too long ago when we wished we did carry them, we might have had a chance to sell something. December was the warmest on record,...
At long last tickets are in ! That’s right, if you signed up for our Jr seasonal lease, we have your tickets and they are ready for pick up ! The Season Ticket vouchers for Ragged Mountain, BIG MOUNTAIN skiing...
#FreeWinterGear2016 Zimmermanns is announcing a new contest, and the winner gets his/her gear for FREE ! The rules are simple. Purchase a new outfit, snowboard, skis, boots or some other great item at Zimmermanns. (Lease gear counts too) Take a...
Hi from Zimmermanns ! Today we have to deliver some good news and some bad news. First the bad news. After nearly 50 years and three generations of ownership within the same family, Andy’s Ski Shop in Fitchburg Mass is closing...
With all the truck full of shipments of 2016 ski and board gear to unload, plus all the Bretton Woods drama we have been dealing with, we completely forgot to send a shout out to GUNSTOCK ! For years we have offered a...
Have you ever wanted to know the proper way to wax your skis/board ? This video link will demonstrate the proper technique for doing this on your own. Warning: This video was put together by Playboy and is PG13.