Tis the season. Fall is falling and making way for winter. The Boston Ski Show is underway and several “SWAPS” are beginning to advertise. What does it all mean to the skiers and riders out there ? Here’s what I...
 It’s mid November, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are all but on the ground, but as we all know here in NE….. #WinterIsComing ! The jet streams are moving in from the north and moisture...
For the past two years, Zimmermanns has participated and grown what is arguably one of the most interesting spectacles at the Downtown Winter Stroll. In a short time we have taken it from a sideshow for curious onlookers to a...
The lock is ticking on Zimmermanns Junior Ski and Board rental ! Most of our previously leased equipment is gone and what we have left is won’t be for long. Any prepaid lease customer who signed up in the spring...
Depending on who’s numbers you like better, the snowboard industry is down in sales and participation to the tune of 30-50% in the past five years ! The big question is WHY ? The bigger question is WHY, when things...
Our wonderful LED sign in front of the store is BROKEN….AGAIN ! But despite this major set back, we are most definitely OPEN. Just incase you thought otherwise. It will take more than a defective sign to stop Zimmermanns. In...
Zimmermanns is back at it for what will hopefully be a great and snowy season ! We will be ready for our Jr Lease families any time after Sunday August 17th. The previously leased gear is all tuned and ready...
[soliloquy id=”1069″] Sage takes the gold! Unexpected and well-deserved, Sage Kotsenburg takes the 1st gold medal in Olympic slopestyle history We knew it – we knew it allll along. Ok, maybe we were just as shocked as you were....