Zimmermanns is NOT moving ! We are however making the store better !
With Facebook, the web and Twitter ect. news, even unfactual news travels VERY, VERY fast.
Zimmermanns occupied the left side and top level of 314 DW Highway for years. One day, 4 years ago, thier neighbor in the space next door moved out. Seeing the chance to expand, Zimmermanns jumped at the chance to have a bigger store. Then it didn’t snow, then the economy went south, then it didn’t snow AGAIN ! We were just paying more rent and utilities and not really generating any extra business.
Our lease for the “new space” came up for renewal, and we decided not to renew.
It gets better…..An idea for a really unique store floor plan, that had been hidden away in a drawer, made it’s way out and we started on construction immediately. The process is long but the results are truly amazing. This fall, when you visit Zimmermanns, you will be blown away !
So once again, we are not moving, we are not closing down, we are in fact simply getting better ! Thank you to everyone for your concern. See you in the fall !
GRAND RE-OPENING DATE: Monday August 5th !