It figures, just 36 hours before we unveil the greatest invention in ski boot technology to the world, we wear out the machine.
This Fischer Vacuum custom ski boot machine has been getting a work out, customizing boots for some very happy people. BUT when you boot fit as many people as we at Zimmermanns in Nashua NH do, you can wear things out. In this case a key part of the custom boot molding process was damaged and we are waiting for a new part to come in from Austria to replace it. Until then the machine is Out Of Order !
 I anticipate having things fixed soon so stay tuned. Once up and running again, we will reschedule our Fischer Night. My best guess is that the machine will be back up and running by the middle of next week and we will have time in the schedule before mid November to have a little event around this incredible new collection of ski boots !
Stay tuned……